
How do I go paperless?

How do I go paperless?

You can switch to paperless and receive your account statements and mail online by clicking on the ‘Paperless settings’ option in the main menu within Online Banking. From here you can choose to switch some or all of your eligible accounts to receive statements or mail online rather than by post.

You can choose to switch your account statements or mail back to paper at any time.

When you switch to paperless statements, you can view, download or print up to 7 years of statement history in PDF format within Online Banking. To view your statements online click on the ‘Statements & transactions’ option in the main menu within Online Banking and select the 'Statements' option under the ‘Your statements’ section.

When you switch to paperless mail, this means we’ll send letters and documents related to your account to your Online Banking Mailbox or mobile app rather than by post. If you switch to paperless mail we’ll automatically send you an email notification to let you know when you have a new item of mail to view online or via the mobile app. You can chose to receive this notification by email, text or both.