
There's a problem with the goods or services that I've received

There's a problem with the goods or services that I've received

Please choose from the drop down below for information on how to resolve.

My issue relates to a debit card transaction

My issue relates to a debit card transaction

We can help you to resolve the following issues:

  • They’re faulty
  • You think they’re counterfeit (fake)
  • The goods aren't as described
  • The services aren't as described
  • They’re different to how they were advertised
  • The quality of the product was different to what was advertised
  • Your dispute relates to binary trading

If you need help with any of the above there’s no need to call as we’ve created a simple online form (opens in a new window) to make resolving this as smooth as possible.

Open the form and select “There’s a problem with the goods or services that you’ve received” and then follow the on screen prompts. The form will take approximately 5 minutes to complete and you will receive automatic updates throughout your claim. In light of the recent outbreak of coronavirus, we’re working through a large volume of claims, we aim to review your case and any documentation within 10 working days (excludes Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays). Simply use our online form (opens in a new window).

My issue relates to a credit card transaction

My issue relates to a credit card transaction

The best place to start if the goods you have received are not as expected is by contacting the company you bought them from.

But we realise it's not always possible to resolve a dispute directly with the retailer or supplier. If you can't resolve the issue we may be able to help you and start a claim.

If you’ve tried to contact the company and still need our support you can contact us using the number on the back of your card Monday-Friday 8am-6pm.