On this page
The AEOI are agreements made between the UK and other countries around the world to help fight worldwide tax evasion. The UK has agreements to exchange financial account information under two laws called the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and the Common Reporting Standard (CRS).
Every year, we must send information about our customers to the tax authorities if our records show that they're reportable under these rules. This means that we must check with you that the information we hold, such as your tax residency, is correct so that we're only sharing your information when we legally have to.
Tax residency is determined by different rules in each individual country. It's possible to be resident for tax purposes in more than one country, even if you aren't a taxpayer.
You can find out more about each law below.
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)

Support and guidance
Get some help with filling in your form using our handy Frequently Asked Questions page. You can get a PDF version of the form too.
Need to get in touch with us?
We're here to help, but please be aware that Ulster Bank cannot offer any tax advice. We recommend you contact a professional and independent tax adviser to discuss your personal tax situation.
Telephone: 0208 242 9447
Minicom: 01617 555 821
Relay UK Number: 18001 0208 242 9447
Calls may be recorded.
Webchat: Click the "Chat now" button on the side of your screen
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).