Is a debt consolidation loan right for you? It may not be enough to cover all your debts. If so, you'll still have debt in more than one place. You may have to pay an early repayment charge. Plus, if you borrow money for longer, you could pay more interest, costing you more overall.
Must be 18+, a UK resident, have a Ulster Bank current account that’s at least 3 months old, not declared bankrupt in the last six years, and not applied for a loan with us in the last 28 days to apply.
Representative 7.1% APR. This rate is available on loans between £7,500 and £14,950. Other loan amounts are available at alternative rates.
The rate you pay depends on your circumstances and loan amount and may differ from the Representative APR. We will never offer you a rate exceeding 29.9% p.a. (fixed), regardless of loan size.
You can make overpayments or pay off your loan early, subject to early repayment charges.